The Business of Fashion: From Concept to the Consumer

While the spotlight often shines on the glamorous aspects like runway shows and high-end designer collections, the journey from a creative concept to a finished product in a consumer’s wardrobe is intricate and multifaceted. This article delves deep into the business of fashion, detailing each stage from concept to production to market, shedding light on … Read more

The 3 Cs of Selling Creative Products: Confidence, Communication and Connection

In the world of creative selling, standing out and making an impact is more important than ever.Whether you’re an artist, designer, writer, or any other type of creative professional, mastering the artof selling your work is essential to your success. While the quality of your work is crucial, it’s often yourability to sell that work … Read more

The Art of Conversion: Turning Talent into Profit as a Creative

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, the true measure of success for any creative professional lies in their ability to convert raw talent into marketable, profitable outcomes. Success as a creative isn’t just about having talent—it’s about harnessing that talent effectively to create something valuable, something that others are willing to pay for. 1. Understanding … Read more

A New Era for Nigeria’s Young Artists: National Art Competition Launched

A promising development is on the horizon for Nigeria’s visual arts sector, particularly for artists under 35. The Africa Art Fund and the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) have joined forces to launch an innovative initiative, beginning with a national art competition to commemorate NESG’s 30th anniversary. This competition is specifically targeting young artists across … Read more

Top 5 Tools for Digital Artists

Digital art has become a vibrant and diverse field, offering artists endless possibilities for creativity and expression. Whether you’re a professional illustrator, a concept artist or a hobbyist, having the right tools can make all the difference. Here are the top five tools every digital artist should consider using: 1. Adobe Photoshop Why It’s Great: … Read more

MTN Foundation and MUSON Announce 18th Annual Scholarship for Aspiring Nigerian Musicians

The MTN Foundation, in collaboration with the Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON), has announced the opening of applications for the MTN MUSON School of Music Scholarship, marking its 18th year. This scholarship is designed to nurture and support the next generation of Nigerian musicians by offering a fully funded two-year diploma course in music. The … Read more

The Creative Journey: Navigating the Dark, Narrow, and Lonely Path to Success

The journey of a creative individual is often portrayed as a vibrant and colorful adventure, filled with moments of inspiration and brilliance. However, the reality is that the path to creative success can sometimes be dark, narrow and lonely. Despite these challenges, finding the right path and persevering can lead to incredible achievements and fulfillment. … Read more